
Nov 22 2021 - Dic 11 2021


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Art Sadtler Basketball League – Registration Deadline December 10

REGISTRATION OPEN for the following 4 TEAMS:
4th Grade Girls
4th Grade Boys
5th Grade Girls
5th Grade Boys
Art Sadtler League is for girls and boys who are interested in playing basketball in a girls only/boys only league. The league will consist of different school teams from around the area. Players will still be playing for the Winnebago Park District with practices here in Winnebago gyms but games will not be hosted in Winnebago. Games will be held in various locations in Rockford.
All Games will be on Saturdays with the first game starting on January 22. Your player will have about 8 weeks of game play followed by a season ending tournament.
Registration Deadline:  December 10, 2021
Registration Fee: $80 per player. Includes a jersey and practice time.
How to Register:
Registration for Art Sadtler can not be done through the WPD website.  You must fill out a paper registration form. Please download the form from the Art Sadtler league website.  Forms can be returned by email or drop off to the WPD Office.