
Spring Soccer

Play in Winnebago.

Co-Ed Spring Soccer practices will begin in March with game play starting in April for six weeks. The league is open to 4 year old thru 10 yrs old or fourth grade. Games and practices will be played on weeknights, TBD (except Fridays) in the Sports Park. Players will have more touches on the ball with smaller teams. We will only take as many players as we have coaches for. Volunteer coaches are needed at every level. Our volunteers help drive our programs. Please consider volunteering! 

  • U6- Born in 2019 or 2020
  • U7- Born in 2018
  • U8- Born in 2017
  • U9- Born in 2016

Registration Deadline: February 28, 2025.

Registration Fee: $45 for WPD Residents; $55 for Non-Resident

Equipment needed: shin guards, tennis shoes or completely molded cleats, water bottles, and soccer balls.

Spring Soccer

Birth years 2010-2015
Play is in surrounding towns

Co-Ed Spring Soccer practice for our U10-U15 players begins in Winnebago in March. Practice days/times TBD by coaches. Saturday games start April 5 and run through May 10. Games are played in neighboring towns. There are no home games for this age group during the spring soccer season.  Volunteer coaches needed at every level. Volunteers help drive our programs. Please consider volunteering! Our volunteers help drive our programs. Please consider volunteering!


  • U10-Born in 2015
  • U11- Born in 2014 
  • U13- Born in 2012 or 2013 
  • U15- Born in 2010 or 2011 (8 th grade max, no high school players)    

Registration Deadline: February 28, 2025. 

Registration Fee: $85 for WPD Residents; $95 for Non-Resident

Equipment needed: shin guards, tennis shoes or completely molded cleats, water bottle, and soccer ball.